Friday, 27 January 2012

How Rude!

I remember standing in the “weight loss” isle of our largest pharmacy chain store back in South Africa, looking for some cheap and nasty way to get rid of the extra weight I had so happily gained justifying my short and deluded pregnancy.  I wanted all evidence of the heartbreak and disappointment gone, I wanted to forget.   

I was reading the back of one package when an old, busy-body shop assistant put a motherly arm over my shoulders and said, “Forgive me dear, but if you are pregnant you cannot take any of these supplements”.  

Stupid old cow, how I had wished I could find a witty comeback; but I was so taken aback by the inappropriate comment that all I could do was stammer and mutter, tears running down my fat cheeks.  Dark days indeed!

I slowly got my life back after that and time marched on as it does.  Early the following year (about eight months later) I discovered that I was pregnant again.  This time I told no one, I went to my doctor alone and had the tests and only once I had confirmation that everything was ok did I tell anyone.  Haydn and I agreed, we kept it between us for a while - just to be safe.

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