We saw the specialist yesterday and the prognosis is not great. It seems as though surgery is imminent and since our health insurance does not cover it we will just have to go through the NZ public health system. Thankfully, this is not awful news - the level of care in NZ is very high.
Her curves are both over 45 degrees and the concern is that with another growth spurt imminent the curve will continue and reach 60 degrees, if that happens then it will continue to curve for the rest of her life and end up incapacitating her. Scoliosis is much harder to correct beyond the "growing years" and so treatment is recommended before age 15.
The next step is a full spine MRI which will take about an hour and a half, next week Thursday. They will be investigating the possibility of Arnold Chiari Malformation (unlikely), syringomyelia (unlikely) or tethered cord (I am hopeful, but unlikely).
Once this has been established then we will need to decide when, rather than if, Megan will have the surgery to straighten her spine. The implication of not having the surgery is that the curve will continue and she will (and I quote) "not get a date to the ball". She will also "grow" 7cm on the operating table when they "straighten things out".
Megan is dealing with all this incredibly well and she is keen to "get it all over and done with".
We will get a second opinion before we consent to surgery and so I am looking for an alternative specialist to make comment on her condition.
I will keep you all updated as things progress.
For more information, you can have a look at : http://www.wheelessonline.com/ortho/idiopathic_scoliosis