I now realise that children are a mixed blessing. I have two wonderful daughters who I love with all my heart and would not trade for anything - on a good day any way. I am not certain how I would survive without Nigel Latta, my Guru on all things childrensicle. http://goldfishwisdom.org/parents. My favourite quote being “Relax, we are all bad parents”
The truth is that so much has changed since those long ago days of nappies and nightmares that now I can only look back in fondness. Aahh, the memories…
In most respects now I feel much more in control, except when I don’t. I have learned some essential rules of engagement and I can usually even put them into practice on a daily basis. Impressive don’t you think?
Shouting does not work (unless the TV/Stereo is too loud) so save it for the days when you really need the release. Kids don’t react to shouting they react to consequences.
When you are angry try to take your voice low (maintain eye contact) and speak really slow. Stay Calm!
Never go to bed angry and always remember time passes differently for kids. While we can stew in our fury for hours after a melt down or blow up, your little spawn has moved on within 2 minutes and cannot comprehend why you are still angry. Especially if they have already muttered a half hearted apology. Take a deep breath and move on, you will eventually anyway.
I am constantly reminding myself that they are just kids and my expectations are probably too high. What parent actually has kids that keep their rooms tidy and do what is asked without hesitation or question? If you are out there please make contact!!!
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